
You can obtain a free CARFAX history report in one of several ways.

Necessary Information

In order to obtain a report, you need the vehicle year, make and model as well as the car’s vehicle identification number. The vehicle identification number, also known as the VIN number, is typically located on the inside of the door jamb or the dash on the driver’s side of the car.

Links to CARFAX

You can easily access the report if you look on sites like or as they provide free links to vehicle history reports that are normally listed on the CARFAX site for a fee.

CARFAX Dealers

You can also visit a number of websites of dealers who subscribe to CARFAX and look on these sites for links to view the CARFAX report on the car. If you can’t find a link to the report and the dealer subscribes to CARFAX, simply ask him to run a report for you. Or, if you’re visiting a dealership, make sure he provides you with a copy.

Obtaining a Report from a Private Seller

If you’re interested in buying a used car from a private seller, ask if he can provide you with a report. If he is hesitant or is not willing to supply you with a CARFAX history, you may have to buy it.

Should You Need to Purchase a CARFAX Report

Typically, you can obtain a CARFAX report for free; however, there are certain instances where you can’t do so. If you’re interested in several pre-owned vehicles, for instance, that are for sale by private owners, it’d probably be best to obtain several reports for comparison purposes. CARFAX offers car buyers the opportunity to purchase 5 reports at one low price, so this may come in handy if you’re dealing with a number of individuals who are reluctant to share their vehicle’s history.

The VIN – A Vital Piece of Information

The VIN number is a vital piece of information that is used to obtain a vehicle’s history.  Not only do you need it when you register a car with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), you also need it when checking on the history of a car. With a VIN number, you can secure information regarding a car’ registration, title, odometer reading, and accident and maintenance history on a CARFAX report. Therefore, make sure you receive a CARFAX report on any used vehicle you’re intending to purchase. It’s a “must-have” if you’re interested in purchasing a pre-owned car.



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