
Anyone that creates a web presence will want traffic and will usually not have money to purchase the traffic using Google Adwords or a program that is similar. If you want free website traffic then you must be able to separate yourself from the others within your niche. You should participate in regular internet marketing activities such as basic search engine optimization, content creation, content marketing, and social marketing. The problem is the rest of your niche will also be participating in these traffic generating techniques so you will either have to out work them or out think them. In many cases especially when it comes to competitive niches the people are working day and night just to keep their position. The only way to beat these people is by thinking of new marketing methods which will overcome their traditional marketing methods. Such things as directory submissions or article marketing will usually not be enough since the webmasters in highly competitive niches already know about these internet marketing techniques and use them readily.

So you would like to take the top of Google for some extremely competitive keyterms, but you really don’t want to spend 18 hours a day for the next five years building links. To take the top of Google for these terms without putting in the work will require you think outside the box. Think of ways to create a buzz around your website. The first and most obvious way of creating links without a tremendous amount of work is creating link bait. Link bait is the process of creating content in the form of text, audio, video, or image that is good enough to build links without you having to do anything. This means when webmasters see your content they will automatically link to you without you doing anything. Creating content of this quality will take a few things. The first thing you will need is to understand more about your niche than anyone else. Secondly it is important to practice writing on your topic. The first few hundred articles you write will probably not be written very well.

Link bait is great for those who understand how to create it. You should know this is not the only other easy way to acquire links. One way to build links without work is going out and purchasing a digital camera and taking pictures around your city or out in the country. You can then publish the pictures on your blog and let webmasters and bloggers use them in return for a link back to your website. Another way you can build links rather quickly is creating a general directory in a folder on your website or blog and making the directory reciprocal. To make this help your website you will need to require people to link to your main domain rather than the directory. Everyone that submits their website to your directory will be required to put a link to your website on their website before they are added. The better you market your directory the more people that will submit and the more links that will be built towards your web presence.

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